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A Present for Life


In June 2013 and in October 2013 Dietsch International Associates will produce 3 major productions in Bulgaria - partly in Rousse, partly in Plovdiv presenting some of the greatest opera stars of the world in gala concerts accompanied by full chorus & orchestra & fully staged production of Giacomo Puccini's world famous opera drama Tosca.  The gala concerts will be recorded for partly CD & Video in HD & the fully staged production of Tosca both for CD & HD Video in 3-D bringing you right up on the stage between the artists & the action - you becoming an active part of the production and experience the drama in full.    

Support these productions by   pre-buying your special edition.




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The price is 50 USD $ for CD &HD Video of the opera galas and 100 USD for the 3-D Blue-Ray of the fully staged production of Tosca. 

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